Frequently Asked Questions

What are Residents Association Fees?

In many new communities in Calgary the developer will create a Residents Association (Residents Association). Generally, Residents Associations are established to maintain community amenities that are not the responsibility of the City.

The Residents Association may also enforce community architectural guidelines (ex. roofing, fencing, colors etc.). A property owner in the community is required to be a member of the Residents Association and must pay a compulsory annual fee.

The existence of a Residents Association can be determined by visiting the community website, or by conducting a land title search. The Residents Association fee will be registered on the title as an Encumbrance.

The amount of the fee will vary depending on the particular community – they generally range between $200 and $300 per year, ours is $100. If fees are not paid the arrears plus interest can be collected when the property is sold by virtue of the Encumbrance on title.

When you purchase a property with Residents Association, you will want to confirm the amount of the annual fee, and that the current fees have been paid in full by the seller. Your lawyer will make adjustments with the seller’s lawyer so that each party pays their pro rata share of the current annual Residents Association fee.

The developer will usually determine the initial amount of the Residents Association fees. Eventually the Residents Association will be transferred from the developer to the Community, and property owners can volunteer to serve on a self-managed Residents Association Board.

Do all SHRA residents currently pay a Residents Association Fee?

Yes, all property owners included in the Sage Hill Residents Association (SHRA) have attached to their land or property titles a legally binding agreement referred to as an encumbrance whereby the property owner is required to pay a yearly fee to the SHRA for sustainment and improvement of the SHRA assets.

Who collects the Residents Association fee?

The Residents Association fees are collected by C-Era Property Management – An Associa® Company on behalf of the Sage Hilll Residents Association.

How often are the Residents Association fees collected?

Members of the SHRA receive an annual fee reminder in March, with fees due on or before April 30 each year.

Where is the money collected from the Residents Association spent?

The funds are spent to on utilities, property taxes, insurance, landscaping, and maintaining SHRA owned property within the community etc.

What are the benefits to the residents of SHRA for paying the Residents Association fees?

Residents benefit by having certain amenities and assets in their community, which because of their unique nature, could not otherwise be provided, as the City would not normally accept responsibility for their maintenance. Other benefits include the potential for future enhanced maintenance of City owned assets. Other communities who do not have a Residents Association set up by the developer have petitioned the City to collect additional taxes through local improvement bylaws to fund enhanced maintenance of open spaced owned by the City.

How is the Residents Association governed?

The SHRA is governed via bylaws and a Board of Directors.

Who elects the representatives for the Residents Association and when does that occur?

The Members of the association elect their Board of Directors annually at the Annual General Meeting. The Board of Directors is a legal entity and is financially responsible for the viability, sustainability and operation of the Residents Association.

Are the residents of SHRA able to guide the Residents Association in matters important to the residents?

The roles of the Residents Association are limited to matters affecting the operation of the association. Members can elect or defeat any Member standing for a Residents Association Directorship, and in that way guide the direction of the Association. Ultimately, the SHRA will be operated entirely by the residents via an annually elected Board of Directors.

What is the difference between a Residents Association and a Community Association?

A residents/homeowner's association is a compulsory organization created by a land developer and mandated by the city:

1. to manage and maintain the amenities of a development that the City will not accept responsibility to maintain

2. to manage and maintain amenities such as landscape features

3. membership is compulsory and the requirement to pay an annual fee is collected by the association through a encumbrance on title

A community association is an organization formed by the residents of an area:

1. to manage and direct its social and recreational activities

2. to act as an intervener in civic matters (planning and development)

3. to plan, develop and maintain community facilities and amenities

4. membership is voluntary

Join TownSq

TownSquare allows owners to communicate with managers, VIEW & PAY YOUR ACCOUNT ONLINE, get up to date community news & events, submit Requests (can include photos), download documents for free and more! If you have not been receiving emails, kindly update your contact information.

  1. To register, please email to request your unique Account ID to register for TownSq.
  2. Go to and Register online using your Account ID and Postal Code.
  3. Fill in the required information and create a password.
  4. Login

Please note if you own multiple units within SHRA, you MUST sign up for each unit then you can Link them by selecting Add Account (under your Profile and Accounts).

Please remember to let C-Era know if you RENT out your home (and have a different mailing address or if you are SELLING your home (so we can update your account) or if you have updated any contact information. You can download forms on TownSq, including the Owner Contact Information Form and Pre-Authorized Debit Form (if you prefer to pay that method for your annual fee).

If you are a new owner in SHRA, C-Era Property Management requires your Land Title for updating your account. Kindly submit a Owner Contact Information Form as well.

You can also download the TownSq app on your phone once registered!

Once registered on TownSq, you will have the option to pay your account online as follows:

  1. Log in to TownSq
  2. Select your account from the top right of the screen.
  3. Select “Make a payment” on the right-hand side of the screen.
  4. Follow the instructions to enter your credit card.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to C-Era!